1st New Space Atlantic Summit 2018
Emerging processes and products to boost the exploitation of space data and signals through space-based and space-enabled services and applications, together with the development, construction and operation of space infrastructures and space data generation services in Atlantic regions, will be addressed in the first NewSpace Atlantic Summit 2018, in Lisbon, on May 28th-29th.
The ultimate goal is to help promoting new markets and skilled employment in diverse areas of our economies, as well as to deepen the emerging debate worldwide on mini-, micro- and nano-satellites with emphasis on Atlantic regions. The summit will be conducted in a way to opening up new areas of intervention for launchers services, including the potential development of an “open” spaceport in Atlantic regions, and extending existing satellite monitoring and tracking and Earth observation activities.
Application areas will range from agriculture and fisheries, to infrastructure monitoring, urban development, defense and security, together with the growth of New Space entrepreneurship.
The recently adopted Portuguese Space strategy, “Portugal Space 2030”, will provide context and inspiration for a wide range of topics that will be addressed by experts over several discussion panels. The new space law for Portugal will be addressed in terms of a unique opportunity to foster New Space in Atlantic regions, as well as to promote a new generation of launch services, together with Earth observation applications, small satellites and space constellations.
In addition, establishing the Atlantic International Research Centre – AIR Centre – will be discussed in a way to frame and foster an innovative R&D agenda on “Atlantic Interactions”, together with new markets and skilled employment in space/ocean/climate related activities in Atlantic regions.
Education for Space and related outreach activities will be considered, together with the need to foster and promote Space for Education.
The meeting is organized by the Space Frontier Foundation, SFF, in collaboration with the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, FCT, and the Ciência Viva Agency for Scientific and Technology Culture.
For more information, please check the event programme here.