Applications to choose the new president of Portugal Space are now open
The international tender to choose the future president of the Portuguese Space Agency is now open. The selection process will be conducted by a search committee comprising the former President of Portugal Space, the former President of FCT and the President of Air Centre.
Portugal Space releases today the admission regulations to the international tender that will choose the future and third president of the Portuguese Space Agency. The application period is formally open until 31 January 2021.
The process takes place after the departure of the first president, Chiara Manfletti, and at a time when Ricardo Conde leads the Agency on an interim basis.
The future president of the Portugual Space should be able to work in complex institutional environments in Portugal and internationally. He/She must have proven international experience, and strategic vision is required, as well as skills in budget management and fundraising, and the ability to perform the function according to the principles and objectives defined in the Portugal Space 2030 strategy.
Supported by the executive members of Portugal Space’s board, the president will be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date innovation policy for the space sector in Portugal. He/She will also be responsible for the Portuguese representation in the European Union Space Programme, as well as in all areas related to the space sector in the European framework, namely the European Global Navigation Satellite System Agency (GSA), the future European Space Programme Agency (EUSPA). The President of Portugal Space will inherently be head of the Portuguese delegation to the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the European Solar Telescope (EST).
A search committee composed of Paulo Ferrão, former president of the Foundation for Science and Technology, one of the founding members of the Portuguese Space Agency, Miguel Bello, president of the International Research Centre of the Atlantic – Air Centre, and the former and first president of Portugal Space, Chiara Manfletti, will conduct the selection process.
According to the rules of the competition, available on the Agency’s official website, the jury may also seek the advice of José Manuel Freitas, from the Directorate General of National Defence Resources, a founding member of Portugal Space, Zita Martins, a specialist in space biology and professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico, and José Manuel Mendonça, a professor of Industrial Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of Porto. The final decision will be taken by the general assembly of Portugal Space, comprising Science and Technology Foundation (FCT), National Innovation Agency, ANI, Regional Government of Azores and General Direction of Defence Resources.
PT Space invites candidates to apply with a CV and covering letter, which must evidence the criteria defined in the candidate profile. Applicants can submit the required documents in Portuguese or English to