Portugal Space and LNEG promote the use of Copernicus in the Portuguese energy sector
On 13 May the event will take place at LNEG, in Alfragide, and will feature informative and practical sessions, as well as a matchmaking session.
The Portuguese Space Agency – Portugal Space, together with the National Laboratory for Energy and Geology (LNEG), promotes the Copernicus event for the energy sector in Portugal. The action is scheduled for 13 May 2022, at LNEG’s Alfragide Campus in Lisbon.
The seminar takes place within the scope of the activities funded by the Framework Agreement of the Partnership for the Use of Copernicus by Users (FPCUP*). It seeks to respond to challenges faced by entities related to the energy sector in Portugal through Earth observation and in interaction between public entities and the private sector.
“The aim of the action is also to promote the use of the Copernicus programme by different end users, always in coherence with the key priority areas in Portugal. In this case, we are talking about the energy sector, but we will have actions for other sectors – such as smart cities – in the future,” anticipates Sofia Souto, from the Earth Observation project team of the Portuguese Space Agency.
During one day, several aspects that relate Earth observation to the energy sector will be addressed. LNEG’s Lídia Quental will moderate a session that presents the needs of Portugal’s energy sector in Portugal alongside successful case studies from the national industry and academia. The conference also features a matchmaking session, which seeks to stimulate networking between different stakeholders and propel business to a new level.
The event will also feature practical and informative sessions, which will give conference participants the tools and content needed to use the services of the European Earth observation programme: “Since we also aim to alert private and public entities to the potential of Copernicus data and services, we promote these more practical sessions for stakeholders to see the applicability of these services. In this way, we bring them much closer to the Copernicus programme.”
Thus, these sessions touch on diversified energy sector points such as renewable energy, risk management and operations in the energy sector, or applications for offshore renewable energy – but always with focus on Earth observation.
*This event takes place within the European Union’s Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake under grant agreement no. FPA 275 / G / GRO / COPE / 17 /10042, FPCUP project (Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake), Action no. 3, Copernicus Events for Business Innovation in Portugal, SGA contract no. 13.