The Portuguese path to “New Space”
The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) opened Portugal’s path into space in 2000, when it was the instrument for the nation’s entry into the European Space Agency (ESA).
The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) opened Portugal’s path into Space in 2000, when it was the instrument for the nation’s entry into the European Space Agency (ESA).
Over the years, Portuguese participation in ESA has brought extensive cooperation between the scientific and business communities, stimulating the involvement of national researchers and institutions in programmes of high scientific and technological intensity and relevance. By the end of 2015, Portugal’s scientific and technical maturity brought a geographical return in ESA programs of 129%. In other words, during those first 15 years, ESA has contracted work to Portuguese entities for a value that exceeded the subscribed amounts by 29%.
Consequently, Portugal could aspire to take greater advantage of the advent of “New Space.” This opened the sector to a new wave of companies and business models, which augments the attraction of private funding at an international level, particularly for small launchers, and for the use of microsatellite business in the most diverse applications.
This context stimulated the exploration of these opportunities in a more prosperous and more autonomous institutional framework. Thus arose the opportunity to create the Portuguese Space Agency, “Portugal Space.” I had the honour of signing its deed of the constitution on 18 March 2019, in Ponta Delgada, as President of FCT at the time.
The Agency’s challenge has been to promote private and public initiatives and align the country’s strategic interests with other national agencies and businesses that will shape the future of Space. Ultimately, Portugal Space is transporting us to “New Space” with a particular focus on promoting new business opportunities in the Atlantic.
On its third anniversary, the Agency is known for being up to its responsibilities, and the huge challenges it has faced and will face. What I wish today is that it can continue to contribute to building a “Space” that unifies, creates opportunities, contributes to the sustainable development of all of us – citizens of the world – who every day look towards “Space” with hope, with ambition and with the dream of a better world. Congratulations, Portugal Space!