2019 New Space Atlantic Summit
Santa Maria, Azores | June 21-22, 2019
Welcome to 2019 New Space Atlantic Summit.
Space is today, unquestionably, an infrastructure for daily life, contributing to the wellbeing and success of society and the economy, supporting businesses in many different sectors: agriculture and fisheries, infrastructure monitoring, urban development, defence and security, shipping, environmental monitoring and sustainable green development, banking, communication, to name but a few. As the space sector evolves, new opportunities develop to address emerging needs of these different sectors. The digital transformation is imposing dramatic changes in all sectors, and by targeting faster time to market and time to orbit, and reduction in costs, activities in space can accelerate the added value that it can bring to business. The ultimate goal is to promote and enable the emergence of new markets and the growth of skilled employment in diverse areas of our economies.
In the context of the evolution of the remit of space and the role of Space Agencies from pure agencies to partners, facilitators, mediators, brokers and enablers, the 2019 New Space Atlantic Summit, in Santa Maria, on June 21-22 addressed the take up of new opportunities for the space and other sectors.
The Portuguese Space strategy, “Portugal Space 2030”, and the newly founded Portuguese Space Agency “Portugal Space” provided context and inspiration for a wide range of topics that were addressed by experts over several discussion panels. Emerging processes and products to boost the exploitation of space data and signals through space-based and space-enabled services and applications were particularly addressed in a way to contribute to new services, such as autonomous shipping and environmental sustainability, together with the development, construction and operation of space infrastructures (mini-, micro- and nano-satellites and a spaceport).
This 2019 New Space Atlantic Summit followed the main conclusions of the 1st summit in May 2018 in Lisbon, which brought together new actors and active players in Europe in the area of New Space. It was organized by Portugal Space in collaboration with the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, FCT, the Atlantic International Research Centre – AIR Centre and the European Space Agency (ESA).