Express Ukrainian Call: ESA BIC Portugal supports Ukrainian companies
The Portuguese Space Agency, Instituto Pedro Nunes and ANACOM launched a call to support Ukrainian companies in the space sector
that want to set up (even temporarily) in Portugal. Applications close on the 26th of May.
In response to the war situation in Ukraine, the Portuguese Space Agency – Portugal Space, Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) and ANACOM decided to launch the Express Ukrainian Call, a solidarity initiative in the context of the ESA BIC Portugal programme. The activity aims to support Ukrainian companies that use space technology and that want to set up (even temporarily) in Portugal due to the situation their country is experiencing. The application phase deadline is the 26th of May.
The Express Ukrainian Call will select Ukrainian projects and business ideas for business incubation at ESA BIC Portugal, providing funding, technical and business support, and accommodation. The program is aimed at Ukrainian companies and citizens working in the space sector or using space data for their business.
This call, in “express” mode, is due to the exceptional nature of this call to support Ukraine and the circumstances that the country is going through.
ESA BIC Portugal, coordinated by Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN), is the business incubation center of the European Space Agency in Portugal. Through business incubation, ESA BIC Portugal promotes the transfer and commercialization of space technologies, providing commercial and technical support to companies that use space technologies for industrial and commercial purposes both in space and on land.
More information about the program and applications at