by Nuno Gomes | Apr 17, 2023 | News
Starting this Friday, April 14, Europe is on its way for the first time to the largest planet in the Solar System. JUICE (acronym for JUpiter ICy Moons Explorer), the European Space Agency’s mission, will explore Jupiter and three of its four largest moons, which may...
by Nuno Gomes | Feb 3, 2023 | News
The Portugal Space Design Competition (PT-SDC), a competition in which participants are invited to imagine a space base, is back. Applications for the 2023 edition of the initiative, organised at national level by the Portuguese Space Agency and Ciência Viva, are now...
by Nuno Gomes | Jan 20, 2023 | Call, News
The deadline for submitting proposals has been extended to March 27th. Clarification requests can be sent until the 2nd of March. The Portuguese Space Agency launched this Friday, January 20, the tender for the exploration of a 15-meter antenna dedicated to satellite...
by Nuno Gomes | Jan 16, 2023 | News
Take the Industry Survey here Take the Research Centres Survey here The Portuguese Space Agency launches this Monday, January 16, a study that aims to make an updated portrait of the space industry and research centres in Portugal. The survey to map the...
by Nuno Gomes | Dec 26, 2022 | News
“The year ahead demands resilience, unity of effort and a greater capacity for adaptability.” This was the message at the start of 2022, but in fact, it was a much more unstable year than initially predicted. It was an uncertain year and, as a result, weaknesses...
by Nuno Gomes | Dec 22, 2022 | News
Despite happening only every three years, the ESA Council Meeting at Ministerial Level is one of the most defining and exciting moments in the European space sector. Seating at the same table, the 22 member states discuss a common strategy for the near future to...